For those of you who want to learn how to make pickles and sauerkraut, I have a few instructions here. They come from the Balkans, a place with long traditions in making them.

In the Balkans, pickles are eaten as a winter salad. They can be can be prepared with only one type of vegetable or with a whole variety of different vegetables. You will find instructions for pickle gherkins, marinated papers and chillies, as well as different types of authentic Balkan-style torshies.

I have also included sauerkraut, even though it ferments in a totally different way. Sauerkraut can be used in winter salads or in cooking. You can find a number of traditional recipes to try in my category Main Course Recipes.

Pickles and sauerkraut are both beneficial to your health due to the good bacteria that contain.


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